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Sliding window with clear or black glass for resale flat, our factory will apply permit and hack out the existing window for replacement Also we have an unique sliding system instead of using the roller system which will jam oftenly after sometime Call our mobile showroom today for a free quotatio ...Read more

Sliding Window Per Square Feet Include applying HDB Permit

$ 14.00 each
2.41861 5 43 Product

SKU: Sliding_Window_Per_Square_Feet_Include_applying_HDB_Permit
  • Description

Sliding window with clear or black glass for resale flat, our factory will apply permit and hack out the existing window for replacement

Also we have an unique sliding system instead of using the roller system which will jam oftenly after sometime

Call our mobile showroom today for a free quotation 98440884

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Yishun Factory Main Outlet
2 Yishun Industrial Street 1, #05-10, Singapore 76815972
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